We are two happy campers to welcome you to us
FILIP NIELSENFilip welcomes you to Gjesvær. Filip is a happy camper. But first and foremost he calls himself a passionate angler. He loves competitive fishing and has traveled all over the Nordics at competitions. Filip has his own fishing boat in Gjesvær where he fishes the quota for king crab and cod. Filip came to Gjesvær Fishing Camp last year, fell head over heels for the opportunities up here and simply bought the camp which is now called Northcape Nature.
Filip is your best friend at sea. Filip Nielsen [email protected] +47 93091918 |
SINDRE ANDERSENSindre grew up at sea, and is a passionate angler. Sindre has worked for several years at Skittfiske.no and has extensive knowledge of fishing equipment. Sindre has an infectiously good mood and is one of our fishing guides here in Gjesvær. In 2021 he moved up here, and it didn't take him long before he landed his first halibut of over 200 cm.
Sindre Andersen [email protected] +47 40457060